True Leadership: Authenticity & Vulnerability

Getting Magnetic with Sandy & Wade - A podcast by Sandy & Wade Critides


The BEST leaders in the world are both authentic and vulnerable. Today Wade interviews Sandy on her starting her business and how authenticity and vulnerability played a role in that. Authenticity may be the most refreshing thing in the world. Don't you love and respect someone who is just so authentically them where they know exactly who they are on the inside and that is who they are on the outside? We are attracted to that as a species. On the other hand, people who are inauthentic to who they are, are very obvious to spot and we don't respect it as a human species. Vulnerability, on the surface may seem like weakness, but really it is true strength. Authenticity and vulnerability are two important qualities for effective leadership. Authenticity means being true to oneself and one's values, while vulnerability means being open and honest about one's weaknesses and shortcomings. Leaders who exhibit these traits are able to build trust and rapport with their teams, and create a culture of openness and transparency.Authenticity is essential for leaders to gain the respect and trust of their team. It involves being honest about one's strengths and weaknesses, and being consistent in one's behavior and decision-making. When leaders are authentic, they are able to communicate their vision and values clearly, and inspire their team to work towards a common goal. Authentic leaders are also able to foster a culture of accountability, where team members take responsibility for their actions and hold themselves and others accountable for their results.Vulnerability is another important quality for leaders. It involves being open and honest about one's emotions, fears, and doubts. When leaders are vulnerable, they show that they are human and relatable, and they create a culture of empathy and understanding. Vulnerability also helps leaders to build trust with their team members, as they demonstrate that they are willing to be transparent and honest, even when it is difficult.In conclusion, authenticity and vulnerability are essential qualities for effective leadership. Leaders who exhibit these traits are able to build trust and rapport with their team, and create a culture of openness and transparency. By being authentic and vulnerable, leaders can inspire their team to work towards a common goal, foster a culture of accountability, and create a workplace where people feel valued and supported.--Let's Connect!To get more info and updates on the podcast@gettingmagneticFollow our personal Instagram accounts@sandyclaus7@wellnesswithwadeCheck out our website for all things Getting Magnetic out Big Dad Energy Co!