What Is The Law Of Attraction And How Do I Use It?

Getting Magnetic with Sandy & Wade - A podcast by Sandy & Wade Critides


**Disclaimer: our mic hookup got messed up for this episode! The audio is decent, but the content is stellar!! The Law of Attraction is a Law of the Universe that you are using already. It's time to start using it to your advantage and not to your disadvantage! Essentially, the law is that what you focus on, grows. If you focus on being in debt, not being able to or barely being able to pay your bills, or there's more month than money, those circumstances are where your energy is going and they will remain or continue to grow. On the other hand, if you focus on abundance, on wealth, on money coming to you, on creation, on opportunity, that is what you'll attract to you. The energy you put out into the world comes back to you. Master your mind, your thoughts and use the Law of Attraction to your advantage! P.s. Are you a Network Marketing Professional? Are you where you want to be in your business? Do you consistently work your business? If the answer to either of the last two was NO, it's time to commit to a 90 day cycle with the 90 Day Habits Journal! Head to www.90dayhabits.co to get yours today!