47: Pussy Problems + Roe Vs Wade + Astrology

Ghost of a Podcast: Astrology & Advice with Jessica Lanyadoo - A podcast by Jessica Lanyadoo

A listener wrote in saying "My cat and I have been in a three week fight and it's escalating!"  so Jessica dropped everything to hop on a call to chat with him – and his cat. Jessica talks about the astrological chart of Roe Vs Wade ( learn about the law here : https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/issues/abortion/roe-v-wade). Your horoscope this week is short, to the point, and just what you need. The ACLU are on the frontlines of the legal battle for reproductive freedom.Donate to them at the aclu.com Sign up for the Supermajority at https://supermajority.com/ - it's where I got these amazing Alabama-based resources for you to donate to:  https://www.sistersong.net/ http://www.sparkrj.org/ https://www.arc-southeast.org/ https://yellowhammerfund.org/https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-southeast ♥️ To send your question to be answered by Jessica on the podcast, or read your weekly horoscope, visit lovelanyadoo.com. 📷Download Tiny Spark to your iOS device