Uncovering Secret Symbols with artist Kay Gasei

Girl and Gallery - A podcast by Lucy Donovan


Welcome to the Girl&Gallery Podcast! On todays episode we sat down with Kay Gasei in his East London art studio completely surrounded by his artwork and are hearing straight from the source - What does this all mean? Heavy with symbolism and resembling a cross between Francis Bacon and an ancient hieroglyphic, Kay sheds light on how his work resembles our world on earth with some semi-earthly icons. Listen to how each work ties into another as if he's created his own world through paint. 

Follow along to discover your next favourite artist!

Kay Gasei

Instagram - @KayGaseiArt

Watch this episode on YouTube here to see the paintings Kay is talking about!

Connect with me!

Instagram- ⁠⁠@lucymdonovan⁠⁠ 

TikTok- ⁠⁠@girlandgallery⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

YouTube - ⁠⁠Girl and Gallery⁠⁠

Girl&Gallery is hosted by Lucy Donovan 

Produced by Corban Media 

For any business inquiries, please get in touch with me at  

Email - [email protected]