Developing the UK's culture of philanthropy, with Matthew Bowcock & Cath Dovey

Giving Thought - A podcast by Giving Thought

In this episode we talk to Matthew Bowcock and Cath Dovey, founders of the Beacon Collaborative, about developing the UK’s culture of philanthropy both pre- and post-Covid. Including What is the Beacon Collaborative? What was the UK culture of philanthropy like pre-Covid? How does this perhaps differ from the culture in other countries (e.g. the US?) What do we know about the barriers that prevent more wealthy people giving? What has the response from wealthy philanthropists to the Covid-19 crisis been like? How have attitudes to collaboration among philanthropists and funders changed as a result of the current context? How do we balance the emphasis on centralisation/coordination of philanthropy necessitated by the crisis with the choice and freedom that is likely to motivate donors over the longer term? Why are many donors moving from restricted to unrestricted funding right now? Is this going to herald a longer-term shift? Should we expect anything in philanthropy to change fundamentally as a result of what we are going through? If so, what? Are we likely to see a more positive or more negative narrative about philanthropy post-Covid?     Related Links   The Beacon Collaborative website The Beacon Collaborative Manifesto CAF's Coronavirus Hub Our CAF Giving Thought podcast interview series on Covid-19: Voices from Civil Society Our CAF Giving Thought podcast on Questioning the philanthropic response to Covid-19, with Kris Putnam-Walkerly Our CAF Giving Thought podcast Philanthropy, civil society and covid-19: what now, what next? Rhod’s blog on Philanthropy and Civil Society after Covid-19: Key questions for the future