Taxes and giving: The current and potential impact of US tax policy for donors and nonprofits

Giving With Impact From Schwab Charitable and SSIR - A podcast by Charles Schwab


The vast majority of US donors don’t give to charities simply to get a tax benefit; they give because they genuinely care about the work of the organizations that they support, and want to see those organizations succeed and make a difference in the world. But it’s also true that tax law in the United States can have an impact on the volume and type of gifts that donors may choose to make. And while there may be truth to the old adage about “death and taxes,” as far as we know, only one of those two is immutable. So how does current US tax law effect charitable giving, and how might those laws change over the next several years? Are there ways that donors should be approaching their giving strategies to maximize the amount of money getting into charitable organizations? And what do these policies and strategies mean for the nonprofits who depend upon this support?