Go Kat, GO! The Rock-A-Billy Show! 3.22.22

Go Kat, GO! The Rock-A-Billy Show! - A podcast by Del Villarreal


122. Feeling SAXY on a Tuesday nite! Blowin' some corn straight thru your horn with the Aztec Werewolf, DJ Del, wailing on both WCBN FM and Rockabilly Radio! Hear fresh NEW exclusives from SLINK MOSS EXPLOSION, JD McPHERSON, THE HI-FI LOWDOWNS, DAVE DEL MONTE & THE CROSS COUNTRY BOYS, WILD ROOSTER & THE JERRELLS! We'll spin the late LILI LOCKSMITH's 'hot track' in anticipation of her Enviken LP release later in '22. It's still Women's History Month so enjoy a fun mix of rockin' R&...