Gobbledygeek 203, "Psycho: I'll Lick The Stamps"
Gobbledygeek - A podcast by Paul Smith and Arlo J. Wiley

Close the shower curtain, it's time for Gobbledyween! Our fifth annual month-long celebration of all things bump in the night gets off to a slashing start with a discussion of Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 classic Psycho. Often imitated (once quite literally) but never duplicated, Paul and AJ dissect the film's shifting points of view, the many taboos it broke, how its lengthy silences speak volumes, and yeah, that really dumb psychoanalysis scene. Plus, AJ joins Nicolas Cage for a post-Rapture nap with Left Behind while Paul goes to Disney Infinity and beyond with the new Marvel superheroes expansion. Next: Gobbledyween 2014 comes back to life as Broken Magic author and The Deli Counter of Justice cohort Eric Sipple drops by for a look back at Re-Animator.