Gobbledygeek 221, "Sipple Wears Short Shorts (feat. Eric Sipple)"
Gobbledygeek - A podcast by Paul Smith and Arlo J. Wiley
#LifeChange is in the air! That's right, this week, the boys have a lot on their minds. As Paul embarks on a new chapter of his life, AJ deals with the major hang-ups of being a homeowner by proxy. None other than frenemy of the show and The Deli Counter of Justice co-editor Eric Sipple is on hand to listen to their whinging after which, the gang gets down to some serious writing talk. The boys discuss the perils of writing flash fiction (AKA extremely short stories), what you can learn from such constrictions, and what's next for the Deli-verse, plus plenty more. Next: this year's Four-Color Flashback continues with a look at Bone: Vol. II - The Great Cow Race, potentially featuring The Debatable Podcast host Greg Sahadachny.