Gobbledygeek 46, "Tights of Spandex, Flights of Fantasy, Slices of Life"
Gobbledygeek - A podcast by Paul Smith and Arlo J. Wiley

Endeavoring to enlighten the non-comics-reading portion of their audience, Paul and AJ offer up a sort of Comics 101 class: twenty-seven recommendations for beginners in five different categories. From superhero fare like Batman: Year One to webcomics like The Perry Bible Fellowship; from the engrossing autiobiography Blankets to the fantasy epic Fables; from the zombie opus The Walking Dead to Calvin and Hobbes; we've attempted to cover most of the bases. In addition to all o' that, you've also got your news, your upcoming DVD releases, Paul's takes on some brand new comics, and AJ's thoughts on a few movies. Be sure and check out the REAL blog - gobbledygeekbtr.wordpress.com