Gobbledygeek 64, "A Hazy Shade of Fall/Winter"
Gobbledygeek - A podcast by Paul Smith and Arlo J. Wiley

Gather 'round, boys and girls! The leaves will soon be falling from the trees; snow can't be too far off after that. After long, strenuous days of leaf-blowing and snow-shoveling, what better way to take respite than by going to a movie? Well, luckily for you, Paul and AJ have got your fall/winter itinerary covered: they discuss 65 (!) movies coming out from September through January, from blockbusters like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo to arthouse flicks like The Artist, from sure-to-be-awful movies like The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 to sure-to-be-awesome movies like Carnage. As August comes to a close, pour yourself a mug of hot cocoa, wrap yourself in a parka, and fantasize about all the moviegoing you'll be doing the next few months. Next: Maaaaybe TV previews?