Gobbledygeek 65, "Talking Turkey"
Gobbledygeek - A podcast by Paul Smith and Arlo J. Wiley

Hello Gobblers! In honor of this Labor Day holiday, the boys did absolutely no work to get this podcast ready. No news. No predetermined topic. Just two geeks chatting and ranting, freestyle…like nerdy, talentless Flava Flavs. Thrill as the boys complain about George Lucas! Marvel as they complain about the debut of the DC New 52! (See what I did there?) Roll your eyes as they conflate adorable actress Karen Gillan and adorable (?) writer Kieron Gillen! They saw some movies and say some things about ‘em; they pimp some local record stores; they sing the praises of Direct Comic Book Service (http://www.dcbservice.com/) and InStockTrades (http://www.instocktrades.com/)…PLEASE SPONSOR US!