Gobbledygeek 67, "Of Sci-Fi, Slayers, and Spider-Men"
Gobbledygeek - A podcast by Paul Smith and Arlo J. Wiley

Welcome, boys and girls, to another off-the-cuff, scriptless episode. After a little bit of getting’ to know you banter, the boys randomly decide to talk about why we geeks are so drawn to works of fantasy and science-fiction. They also say some words about the latest wave of DC Comic’s New 52, AJ shares his thoughts on the films Our Idiot Brother and Horrible Bosses, and Paul waxes rhapsodic on Another Earth. But of course what we all care about here are the boys thoughts on the new Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #1 (hint: they dig it), and Ultimate Spider-Man #1, which includes them mocking the %#$& out of “valued reader” Jimmy Champane and “formally happy Marvel true believer” Douglas Maxfield. Good times.