137. The Lavender Life (with Vic and Vickie Bennett)

God Hears Her Podcast - A podcast by Our Daily Bread Ministries - Mondays

Guest Bio: Vickie and Victor are high school sweethearts, have been married for  39 years, have 4 married beautiful daughters, and have 9 adorable grandchildren. They have been ministry and business partners the entire 39 years—they are serial entrepreneurs with the desire to remind people, especially at-risk children, that “they are loved and not alone”.    Show Summary: Do you like the smell of lavender? Have you ever used lavender to calm you down in a state of unrest, stress, or anxiety? Today’s guests, Victor and Vickie Bennett, own a lavender farm in Michigan where their mission is to bring comfort to children in foster care, bring awareness to a faceless crisis, and to mobilize communities around those on the front lines of the rescue. Join hosts, Elisa Morgan and Eryn Adkins, during this conversation on God Hears Her as they talk with the Bennett’s about managing a business as a married couple and the mission of their lavender farm.   Notes and Quotes: “There was a love for children right at the very beginning of our relationship.” —Vickie Bennett “I didn’t realize that growing up being in charge of. . . little calves, that God was training me and this ministry to be looking out for kids, especially kids in trauma.” —Victor Bennett “We’ve learned what each other’s strengths are, and we celebrate them.” —Victor Bennett “Foster care is kind of a faceless crisis. . . , so because of that, it’s hard for people to rally around this crisis because everything is on the low-down. But there are over 440,000 kids in foster care in our country alone, right in our own communities. . . .” —Victor Bennett   Links: God Hears Her website: https://www.godhearsher.org/ God Hears Her newsletter sign-up: https://www.godhearsher.org/signup Subscribe on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/god-hears-her-podcast/id1511046507?utm_source=applemusic&utm_medium=godhearsher&utm_campaign=podcast Lavender Life Company: https://lavender-life.com/?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiIOmBhDjARIsAP6YhSVFcvSmHm5-rQsfZBYr01jAyv3g1zD0Vz-4u3f0VROww7C7ikP1bToaAsUFEALw_wcB Elisa’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elisamorganauthor/ Eryn’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eryneddy/     MB01AY4TXDF8JAN