274 – “Honest to Greatness” with Peter Kozodoy (@PeterKozodoy)
Going North Podcast - A podcast by Dom Brightmon
“Epic failures are the gifts that keep on giving because those are the drivers that drive us to success.” - Peter Kozodoy Today’s featured bestselling author is business coach, TEDx Speaker, and Inc. 5000 Millennial Entrepreneur, Peter Kozodoy. Peter and I talk about his 1st entry into the business of immortality with his new book “Honest to Greatness”, why Peter doesn’t consider himself an honest person and more!! Key Things You’ll Learn: What 2 major failures that redirected Peter to becoming who he is today. What an “honest alignment” is. What keeps a lot people dishonest What strategic honesty is. Peter’s Site: https://peterkozodoy.com/ Peter’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Honest-Greatness-Greatest-Leaders-Honesty/dp/1948836505 The opening track is titled "Doom's Day" by Asis Galvin. This tune can be listened to in full by clicking on the following link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/dooms-day-docter-dooms-theme-remix Related Episodes: 39 - "Enroll In Confidence" with Sabah Ali (@sabah.ali14): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/39-enroll-in-confidence-with-sabah-ali-sabahali14 84 - "Innovation and Leadership" with Dr. Jeff Standridge: http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/84-innovation-and-leadership-with-dr-jeff-standridge 99 - "Leader By Choice" with Andres Valdes (@IamAndresValdes): http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/99-leader-by-choice-with-andres-valdes-iamandresvaldes 108 - "The Holy Sh!t Moment" with James Fell (@BodyForWife): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/108-the-holy-sht-moment-with-james-fell-bodyforwife 136 - "Leadership Development" with Kevin Wayne Johnson (@Writing4theLord): http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/136-leadership-development-with-kevin-wayne-johnson-writing4thelord 168 - "Spiral" with Amy Simpkins (@amylsimpkins): http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/168-spiral-with-amy-simpkins-amylsimpkins 219 – “Genuine Progress Through Underdog Empowerment” with Zachary Babcock (@zacharyjbabcock): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/219-genuine-progress-through-underdog-empowerment-with-zachary-babcock 237 – “The Gift of Struggle” with Bobby Herrera (@BobbyHerreraPG): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/237-the-gift-of-struggle-with-bobby-herrera-bobbyherrerapg 253.5 (Host 2 Host Special) – “The University of Adversity” with Lance Essihos (@EssihosLance): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/2535-host-2-host-special-the-university-of-adversity-with-lance-essihos-essihoslance 258 – “Personality Isn’t Permanent” with Dr. Benjamin Hardy (@BenjaminPHardy): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/258-personality-isnt-permanent-with-dr-benjamin-hardy-benjaminphardy 270 – "Forever Employable" with Jeff Gothelf (@jboogie): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/270-forever-employable-with-jeff-gothelf-jboogie