278.5 (Host 2 Host Bonus Ep.) – “Key Conversations for Leaders” with John Ryan (@keyconvo)
Going North Podcast - A podcast by Dom Brightmon
“Everything we have in our lives is dependent on a conversation.” – John Ryan Today’s bonus episode features fellow podcasting author, Leadership Consultant, and Certified NLP Master Trainer, John Ryan. John and I talk about the importance of communication, why he became a master NLP trainer, and more!!! Key Things You’ll Learn: What is NLP and why John became a master trainer with it. The 2 types of communication. The powerful question that changed John’s life forever. Why John remembers the 1st 10 minutes of every presentation he does. John’s Site: https://www.johnryanleadership.com/ John’s Podcast, “Key Conversations for Leaders”: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/key-conversations-for-leaders/id1509342764 John’s Book: https://www.johnryanleadership.com/conversation-formula-book/ The opening track is titled “Sunburst” by Marcus D. to listen to the full track and purchase the whole album, click the following link. https://marcusd.net/album/kirin Related Episodes: 84 - "Innovation and Leadership" with Dr. Jeff Standridge: http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/84-innovation-and-leadership-with-dr-jeff-standridge 136 - "Leadership Development" with Kevin Wayne Johnson (@Writing4theLord): http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/136-leadership-development-with-kevin-wayne-johnson-writing4thelord 157 - "No Sweat Speaking" with Allan Kaufman & Allan Misch (@NoSweatSpeaking): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/157-no-sweat-speaking-with-allan-kaufman-allan-misch-nosweatspeaking 158 - "Faster, fewer, Better Emails" with Dianna Booher (@diannabooher): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/158-faster-fewer-better-emails-with-dianna-booher-diannabooher 193 – “The Quest For Purpose” with Dr. Ken Keis (@crgleader): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/193-the-quest-for-purpose-with-dr-ken-keis-crgleader 211 – “Tough Conversations” with David Wood (@_playforreal): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/website/211-tough-conversations-with-david-wood-_playforreal 2-Year Anniversary Episode - "Dream Toolbox" with Ken Aldrich (@dream_toolbox): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/2-year-anniversary-episode-dream-toolbox-with-ken-aldrich-dream_toolbox 253.5 (Host 2 Host Special) – “The University of Adversity” with Lance Essihos (@EssihosLance): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/website/2535-host-2-host-special-the-university-of-adversity-with-lance-essihos-essihoslance 237 – “The Gift of Struggle” with Bobby Herrera (@BobbyHerreraPG): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/website/237-the-gift-of-struggle-with-bobby-herrera-bobbyherrerapg 258 – “Personality Isn’t Permanent” with Dr. Benjamin Hardy (@BenjaminPHardy): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/website/258-personality-isnt-permanent-with-dr-benjamin-hardy-benjaminphardy 273 – “Rewiring Your Brain For Manifestation Success” with Bob Doyle (@bobdoyle): https://goingnorth.libsyn.com/website/273-rewiring-your-brain-for-manifestation-success-with-bob-doyle-bobdoyle