Ep. 728 – “The Foreigner's Confession” with Lya Badgley (@LyaBadgley)
Going North Podcast - A podcast by Dom Brightmon
"What's the worst that can happen? You're going to suffer and you're going to die but you know what? We're going to all do that anyway so just relax and do what you want to do as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else." – Lya BadgleyToday’s featured author is mom, wife, former musician, and world traveler, Lya Badgley. Lya and I had a fun chat about her first book, “The Foreigner's Confession”, ex-pat life in Southeast Asia, and more!!! Key Things You’ll Learn:How Lya transitioned from musician to authorLya’s experience with opening a restaurant in MyanmarHow Lya deals with writer’s blockHer three major lessons learned from traveling the world Lya’s Site: https://www.lyabadgley.com/Lya’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B09KVJ947G/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=a60f7702-9215-41fd-9115-bee1b4c9b6c4&store_ref=ap_rdr&ref_=ap_rdr The opening track is titled "Money Trees" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. https://marcusd.net/Please support today's podcast to keep this content coming! CashApp: $DomBrightmonDonate on PayPal: @DBrightmonBuy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dombrightmonGet Going North T-Shirts, Stickers, and More: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/dom-brightmon You May Also Like… Ep. 679 – “Rock Gods & Messy Monsters” with Diane Hatz (@dianehatz): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-679-rock-gods-messy-monsters-with-diane-hatz-dianehatz/ Ep. 586 – “Flipping Bad Situations into Joyful Children’s Books” with Violet Lemay (@violetlemay): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-586-flipping-bad-situations-into-joyful-childrens-books-with-violet-lemay-violetlemay/ Ep. 714 – “Drink Wine and Be Beautiful” with Kimberly Noel Sullivan (@KimberlyinRome): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-714-drink-wine-and-be-beautiful-with-kimberly-noel-sullivan-kimberlyinrome/ Ep. 578 – “From Great Resignation to Life Transformation” with Heather Markel (@expatconnector): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-578-from-great-resignation-to-life-transformation-with-heather-markel-expatconnector/ Ep. 597 – “Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will” with Sarah Elkins (@sarahelkins): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-597-your-stories-dont-define-you-how-you-tell-them-will-with-sarah-elkins-sarahelkins/ Ep. 401 – “Spellbound Under the Spanish Moss” with Connor Judson Garrett (@GarretJudson): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-401-spellbound-under-the-spanish/ 240 – “Living An International Life” with E.J. Moran: https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/240-living-an-international-life-with-ej-moran/ Ep. 351 – “The Gift Legacy” with JP McLean (@jpmcleanauthor): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-351-the-gift-legacy-with-jp-mclean-jpmcleanauthor/ Ep. 553 – “Passport Forward” with Lex Latkovski: https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-553-passport-forward-with-lex-latkovski/ Ep. 549 - “Japan’s Best Kept Culinary Secret” with Christopher Pellegrini (@ChrisPellegrini): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-549-japans-best-kept-culinary-secret-with-christopher-pellegrini-chrispellegrini/ Ep. 303 – “10,000 Miles with my Dead Father’s Ashes” with Devin Galaudet (@DevinGalaudet): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-303-10000-miles-with-my-dead-fathers-ashes-with-devin-galaudet-devingalaudet/ 54 - "Living & Traveling Abroad" with Nicole T. Brewer (@iluv2globetrot): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/54-living-traveling-abroad-with-nicole-t-brewer-iluv2globetrot/ Ep. 314.5 (Holiday Bonus) – “Turning Point” with Kristy Smith (@kristynotkirsty): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-3145-holiday-bonus-turning-point-with-kristy-smith-kristynotkirsty/ Ep. 501 – “Everyone Is an Entrepreneur” with Gregory Diehl (@GregoryVDiehl): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-501-everyone-is-an-entrepreneur-with-gregory-diehl-gregoryvdiehl/