Ep. 748 – Truth, Lies & Alzheimer's with Lisa Skinner (@LisaSkinner2015)
Going North Podcast - A podcast by Dom Brightmon
“Being a caregiver is somewhat like being Sherlock Holmes, being a detective and having to figure out and through the process of elimination, narrowed down what's bothering them, what they need or what they want.” – Lisa SkinnerToday’s featured bestselling author is behavioral specialist, adviser, public speaker, and Certified Dementia Care Trainer, Lisa Skinner. Lisa and I had a chat about her book, “Truth, Lies & Alzheimer's: Its Secret Faces”, the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia, modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer's, and more!! Key Things You’ll Learn:Lisa’s personal experience with her grandmother's dementia and how it inspired her career pathSymptoms and experiences of dementia Tips for caregivers of individuals with dementia Lisa’s Site: https://truthliesalzheimers.com/Lisa’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Truth-Lies-Alzheimers-Secret-Faces/dp/1957344148/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1699335763&sr=1-2 The opening track is titled "Money Trees" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. https://marcusd.net/Please support today's podcast to keep this content coming! CashApp: $DomBrightmonDonate on PayPal: @DBrightmonBuy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dombrightmonGet Going North T-Shirts, Stickers, and More: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/dom-brightmon You Might Also Like… Ep. 729 – “The Little Caregiving Book That Could” with Marianne Sciucco (@MarianneSciucco): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-729-the-little-caregiving-book-that-could-with-marianne-sciucco-mariannesciucco/ 116 - "Escaping the Rabbit Hole" with Tracey Maxfield (@maxfield_tracey): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/116-escaping-the-rabbit-hole-with-tracey-maxfield-maxfield_tracey/ Ep. 498 – “The Immunotype Breakthrough” with Dr. Heather Moday: https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-498-the-immunotype-breakthrough-with-dr-heather-moday/ 97.5 (Thanksgiving Bonus Episode) - "MindShift On Demand" with Donna Blevins (@BigGirlPoker): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/975-thanksgiving-bonus-episode-mindshift-on-demand-with-donna-blevins-biggirlpoker/ 123 - "Caregiving & Earning a Financial Black Belt" with Ken Rupert (@K_E_Rupert): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/123-caregiving-earning-a-financial-black-belt-with-ken-rupert-k_e_rupert/ Ep. 596 – “The Self-Healing Mind” with Dr. Gregory Scott Brown (@GregorySBrownMD): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-596-the-self-healing-mind-with-dr-gregory-scott-brown-gregorysbrownmd/ 159 - "The Ageless Brain" with Rico Caveglia (@Ageless100): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/159-the-ageless-brain-with-rico-caveglia-ageless100/ 266 – “Holistic Health and Healing” with Brigitte Mars (@brigittemars): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/266-holistic-health-and-healing-with-brigitte-mars-brigittemars/