Surviving the First Ten Years After Graduating with Courtney Romano

Going Through It - A podcast by Going Through It


Going Through It is back and better! On this episode, Courtney Romano, author of the book The First Ten Years joins us to discuss how she survived her first 10 years post-grad. Courtney moved to NYC from Pennslyvania with dreams of being a Broadway star. “Making it” in the Big Apple came with its challenges.. rejection is simply part of the process. While rejection can be soul-crushing, Courtney, decided to look at the no’s as bringing her closer to a yes. Resilience and pure determination was the recipe for her success. She’s now a Barry Award-nominated actor with several off-Broadway performances under her belt, a featured author, wife and new mom.  The First Ten Years isn't about knowing the right answers, it's about knowing the right questions - Courtney Romano