3. Grace After a 27 Bloom Day

Grace Momma Grace - A podcast by Brynne Wise


As women, mothers, and human beings in 2023, sometimes we are way too “27 bloom night-ish.” We go and go and go, and perform, and say yes, and we’re on all the time, and we can't say no, and we hear things like "naps are for sissies" and "no rest for the weary" and we buy into that way of life. But it doesn't have to be like that. There is an amazing book called Conversations with a Moonflower (mega suggest it). In that book there was a powerful life lesson taught. In this episode, Brynne shares that life lesson, and gives you momma, permission to only have a one or two bloom day, whenever you need it. Permission to rest, to sit, to snuggle, to nap, to sleep in, to say no to that to-do list, and yes to the simple moments. Soulful rest is productive too.