740 - Do You Know When to Use Quotation Marks? Also, How to Create a House Style.

Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing - A podcast by QuickAndDirtyTips.com

Do you know when to use quotation marks? How about single quotation marks? Also, you know about the major style guides (AP, Chicago, etc.), but do you also have your own house style guide? Here's why you should! LINKS AND SPONSORS | Learn how you can get my LinkedIn Learning course free: https://t.co/coQuXJRtrT | Hallmark: https://hallmark.com/grammar code: GRAMMAR | Native: https://nativedeodorant.com code: GG |   Waterpik: https://waterpik.com/grammar code: GRAMMAR |  GRAMMAR GIRL EMAIL NEWSLETTER | https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/newsletters | GRAMMAR POP iOS GAME | Optimized for iPad: http://bit.ly/iPadGrammarPop | For iPad and iPhone: http://bit.ly/GrammarPopMobile | PEEVE WARS CARD GAME | https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/grammar-girl-s-peeve-wars | GRAMMAR GIRL BOOKS | http://bit.ly/GrammarPopBooks | GRAMMAR GIRL IS PART OF THE QUICK AND DIRTY TIPS PODCAST NETWORK | VOICEMAIL: 833-214-GIRL (833-214-4475)