Birthing New Futures, with Tahia Ahmed

Grounded Futures Show - A podcast by Grounded Futures


Grounded Futures Show, Season 2 Episode #15

“Gathering people around food is a big part of what everyday thriving looks like in my life. And, even as the world falls apart, we will still probably have to eat dinner.”

We sat down with the wonderful Tahia Ahmed, a full-spectrum birth worker who connects birth, land, and racial and climate justice together in new and beautiful ways. We dive into conversations about our interdependence, the discipline of showing up for each other, centering trust, and the importance of deprofessionalizing care and love, and so much more! 

Tahia Ahmed IG

Nesting Doula Collective

We Do This 'Til We Free Us

Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice

by Mariame Kaba 

Joy James work

Thrutopia, coined by Rupert Read 

Book Recommendation:

How We Show Up: Reclaiming Family, Friendship, and Community

Book by Mia Birdsong

Delighting in our Friends:

Sour Gout (Zach Bergman) The album is here: “Movements in a Dead City"
