Using Molasses with Cannabis and Other Ways To Enrich Your Soil/Medium

Grow Weed at Home with Kyle Kushman - A podcast by Kyle Kushman | Nate Hammer

I’ll be discussing the benefits of using molasses with cannabis to maximize the taste and smell of your buds.  During the last weeks of the flowering stage, you can try blackstrap molasses to provide carbohydrates, amino acids, and minerals – all of which improve terpene production. For those growers seeking to make a plant quite resinous, simple sugars and carbohydrates are key in trichome production.  Organic unsulphured blackstrap molasses is available pretty much anywhere for extremely cheap. It goes an incredibly long way and will feed a lot of plants. You can actually feed a plant with a proper well-mixed soil, only water and molasses the entire grow with great success. For soil growers it’s really all about reading what your plants telling you and adding specific amendments to keep the soil healthy and rich. The best thing about soil is you can top-feed your soil with more soil if it begins to run low. Cannabis plants consume more nutrients as they grow, so giving the right amount is vital. Key to elevated terpene production, however, is the type of nutrients you give them. Using Veganic (or, at least, organic nutrients) is by far the better choice. Organic compounds, such as those derived from kelp, bone meal, and worm castings, break down and do not leave toxic residues.