Artificial Intelligence Doxxing in Viral Videos, Billions of Usernames and Passwords Exposed, and a HATF Contest
Hacker And The Fed Thursdays

This week on Hacker And The Fed the end of privacy with AI being used to dox people in viral videos, billions of usernames and passwords are exposed, nationstate hackers are hiding in router firmware updates, we answer listener questions about working with the FBI, setting up a cyber security business, and safely using data sent to you be others. Finally, we announce Hacker And The Fed's first contest for cyber security awareness month. Links from the episode: The End of Privacy is a Taylor Swift Fan TikTok Account Armed with Facial Recognition Tech Darkbeam Leaks Billions of Email and Password Combinations FBI Hacker Dropped Stolen Airbus Data on 9/11 People's Republic of China-Linked Cyber Actors Hide in Router Firmware Russian Exploit Marketplace offering $20M for a Full Chain Mobile Exploit McDonalds Point of Sale System Hacked Support our sponsors: Go to and use the code 50hatf for 50% off plus free shipping Get your Hacker and the Fed merchandise at Send HATF your questions at [email protected]