Hack To Start - Episode 57 - Grace Garey, Co-founder, Watsi
HackToStart - A podcast by Hack To Start

This is the fifty-seventh episode of Hack To Start. Your hosts, Franco Varriano (on Twitter @ FrancoVarriano) and Tyler Copeland (on Twitter @ TylerCopeland), speak with Grace Garey (on Twitter @ GraceGarey), the co-founder of Watsi, a platform for funding healthcare for people around the world. Grace has a background in global and international studies. After living in Ghana and interning at the International Rescue Committee, Grace joined Kiva to help them grow their platform. While there she helped launch Watsi - which became the first non-profit company to ever be accepted into Y Combinator. Grace joins us to share her story, what lead her to becoming an entrepreneur, what she learnt while at Kiva, how Watsi got into YC, and much more!