Hack To Start - Episode 69 - Kim Bost, Product Designer, Dropbox

HackToStart - A podcast by Hack To Start


This is the sixty-ninth episode of Hack To Start. Your hosts, Franco Varriano (on Twitter @ FrancoVarriano) and Tyler Copeland (on Twitter @ TylerCopeland), speak with Kim Bost (on Twitter @KimBost), a Product Designer at Dropbox. Kim is an incredible designer who started her career off with agencies before moving into the physical side of newspaper design at the New York Times. There she transitioned more into digital design while taking on new challenges through freelancing. Kim moved into products and startups working for brands like Etsy, Cover, and most recently, Dropbox. She joins us to share more about how networking can benefit your career, how she transitioned from design work to leadership (and back again), what the design scene is like in NY, some of the biggest lessons learnt along the way, and much more!