E1459: Net Control Tries to Run Off a POTA Operator - Then THIS Happens!

Ham Radio 2.0 - A podcast by Jason Johnston - KC5HWB


This is a video from  @K3JRZOnTheAir  who was working POTA on 10M when a Net Control operator just started running a Net over top of him. See what happens next.Today's video is sponsored by M&P Coax - save 10% with code HR2CABLES at this link - https://hr2.li/cablesK3JRZ video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upgx4u0JrYI&ab_channel=K3JRZOnTheAirBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/ham-radio-2-0--2042782/support.