E754: Ham Radio Today - Black Friday 2021 Deals for November 12

Ham Radio 2.0 - A podcast by Jason Johnston - KC5HWB


Here are the links for today's Black Friday Deals in Ham RadioGospel Socks Website: https://gospelsocks.comPurchase Socks Here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/hamradio2.0?listId=NU7AW4QSP5FUAs an Amazon Affiliate, I can earn commissions from qualifying itemsR&L: http://hr2.li/5fsa3Radioddity Black Friday Coupons: https://tinyurl.com/uxmfbhc5Radioddity Raffle Promotion: https://tinyurl.com/445w9p3sRenogy Black Friday Sale: https://shrsl.com/390ptBridgecom Black Friday Sale: http://hr2.li/zlmx9American Radio Supply Coupon: https://tinyurl.com/y6t9ba86Retevis Sale: http://hr2.li/oe6juHam Radio Prep: https://hamradioprep.comCOUPON CODE: jason20Buy Two Way Radios: http://hr2.li/7q211Buy Two Way Radios GMRS Page: http://hr2.li/43e3qHam Radio 2.0 Affiliates and Coupons: https://www.livefromthehamshack.tv/affiliates-and-dealsMERCH Shop! http://shop.hamradio2.comNovember Ham Radio Happy Hour: https://youtu.be/f2WQzMkNQVABecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/ham-radio-2-0--2042782/support.