E859: FEES?!? We Don't Need No STINKING Fees! FCC License Fees for Ham Radio and GMRS, with Ria, N2RJ

Ham Radio 2.0 - A podcast by Jason Johnston - KC5HWB


FCC Licensing Fees go into effect on April 19, less than a month away! Let's find out what fees are coming for us, the Ham Radio world, and also the GMRS world. Special thanks to @Ria's Shack ham radio for joining me on this livestreamLinks from tonight's stream:My previous video: https://youtu.be/KjPIHUVtEdYARRL Article: http://arrl.org/fcc-application-feeBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/ham-radio-2-0--2042782/support.