Episode 570: Ham Radio Today! Shopping Deals and Upcoming Events for March 2021
Ham Radio 2.0 - A podcast by Jason Johnston - KC5HWB

Welcome to Ham Radio Today, a new format for my Weekly Shopping Videos for Ham Radio Deals on Gear and Events. Take a look at the links below for today's video! 73k Giveaway: http://hamradio2.com/73k-giveawayR&L: http://hr2.li/5fsa3NEW MERCH! http://shop.hamradio2.comOklahoma QSO Party: https://www.contestcalendar.com/contestdetails.php?ref=293QSO Today Ham Expo: https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.comBridgecom Giveaway: https://wn.nr/TYJMhzHam Radio Prep: https://hamradioprep.comDisount Code: jason20Gigaparts Weekly Specials: http://hr2.li/witaeBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/ham-radio-2-0--2042782/support.