Ham Radio 360: Linux in the Hamshack Podcast Crew!

Ham Radio 360 - A podcast by Cale Nelson


One of my Favorite Ham Radio Podcast's is Linux in the Ham Shack!  Not that I'm a Linux guy-but I like to be challenged-entertained and taught.  That's what I get each time I tune into the LHS Podcast-I laugh, I scratch my head and usually walk away with something new! *insert missing Picture of Russ and Cale from Dayton* Russ (@K5TUX) and I caught up with one another at Dayton, and decided then-the time had come for a LHS/HR360 show.  Little did he know just how little I know about Linux-even after listening to his show all this time! Linux is an Amazing Free Tool for Ham Radio Hobbyist to utilize in their shack-aided by the advent of the Micro-Computer (ex: Raspberry Pi) it seems to be popping up everywhere!  Even on some of my old machines. Like the Pros they are, Russ and Bill are ever-patient with my questions throughout the show! Debian HamRadio Pure Blend is a great place to start if your looking to get started with Linux in your shack! Cheryl and Bill (@NE4RD) are also in the Mix to help me get a better understanding on all things Linux-and even to help whip up a quick Summertime Dessert! We had a great time on and off 'the air' and I hope you enjoy the show! Make sure you give Linux in the Hamshack Podcast a Listen!       Didja See George's latest KX2 video?   I appreciate everyone of you-Thanks so much for listening!   73 Y'all!   K4CDN