Episode 24 - Working DX and Analyzing Logs with Val, NV9L

Ham Talk Live*! (*sometimes) - A podcast by Neil Rapp


On Ham Talk Live! this week, Valerie Hotzfeld, NV9L, will be here to talk DXing and Contesting! Val gave a presentation on log analysis at Contest University this year, and she is going to share some of her knowledge with you and answer your DXing and contesting questions - including how to analyze your own logs! CALL IN LIVE with your questions at 812-NET-HAM-1 or Skype HamTalkLive. You can also Tweet your questions to @HamTalkLive.NV9L's favorite log analysis links from Episode 24:1. Q Scope - log analysis and mapping - qscope.org2. CQ Contest - live contest scoring - cqcontest.net3. Log QSO - uses public contest logs for analysis - logqso.com