On Being with Krista Tippett: Alain de Botton — The True Hard Work of Love and Relationships

Hand Curated Episodes for learning by OwlTail - A podcast by From The Tim Ferriss Show, TED Radio Hour, Hidden Brain, Radiolab, 99% Invisible, Lex Fridman, Knowledge Project and more - Sundays


Published on 09 Feb 2017. What if the first question we asked on a date were, "How are you crazy? I'm crazy like this"? Philosopher and writer Alain de Botton's essay "Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person" was, amazingly, the most-read article in The New York Times in the news-drenched year of 2016. As people and as a culture, he says, we would be much saner and happier if we reexamined our very view of love. How might our relationships be different — and better — if we understood that the real work of love is not in the falling, but in what comes after?