100: What Makes You Happier at Work with Aoife O'Brien
Happier At Work® - A podcast by Aoife O'Brien
Welcome to the 100th episode of Happier at Work! This week's episode is a highlight special dedicated to the array of wonderful past guests who have featured on the show since the podcast made its debut back in September 2019. To celebrate such an incredible milestone, your host Aoife O'Brien revisits a selection of episodes where we hear openly and honestly from inspiring HR and business leaders about what drives their happiness at work. Even though we hear from 15 unique individuals, no answers are the same as they range from the simple acts of welcoming music into your day, allowing for continued learning and much more. However, you will start to sense a common theme throughout and soon realise the recipe's key ingredient for truly being happier at work. So, get ready to stroll down memory lane as we revisit discussions with some of our favourite industry game-changers. Special guests in order of appearance are as follows: Episode 7 - Andrew Barnes Episode 11 - Louise Goss Episode 14 – Emiliana Simon Episode 22 - Fiona English Episode 24 - Tim Kidd Episode 26 - Timen Baart Episode 35 - Mike Vacanti Episode 49 - Aoife Mollin Episode 50 - Bhushan Sethi Episode 57 - Aaron Burnett Episode 61 - Lucinda Carney Episode 70 - Jennifer Dowling Episode 62 - Paul Walker Episode 82 - Niamh Brady Episode 84 - Stefan Tonnon THE LISTENERS SAY: Have you thought about what makes you happier at work? Do you have any feedback or thoughts on this discussion? If so, please connect with Aoife via the links below and let her know. Aoife would love to hear from you! Connect with Happier at Work host Aoife O'Brien: https://www.happieratwork.ie https://www.linkedin.com/in/aoifemobrien https://www.twitter.com/HappierAtWorkHQ https://www.instagram.com/happieratwork.ie https://www.facebook.com/groups/happieratworkpodcast To access the entire catalogue of Happier at Work episodes, visit: https://happieratwork.ie/happier-at-work-podcast/