30: Special Episode! Leadership Series Roundup

Happier At Work® - A podcast by Aoife O'Brien


This is a roundup of all of the conversations from the past 9 episodes. Use it as a reminder if you have already listened, or a taster if you have yet to listen! Bernard Jackman - the essence of true leadership is having a clear purpose, setting clear expectations around that purpose in terms of the "what" (strategy and goals) and the "how" (culture and behaviours). This is underpinned by a strong feedback culture - being open to giving and receiving feedback in a timely and constructive fashion. Fiona English - meaning and purpose - how we make sense of our lives and our work, constantly seeking to answer the question "why". In a work context, this starts with leadership, by being self-aware and living the purpose. Be human at work. Underpinned by coherence (the sense we make of something), direction (the vision or purpose), and significance (the importance we attribute). Stephen Naughton - inspire trust, clarify purpose, align systems, unleash the talent. The importance of connection, especially face to face. Providing feedback. Being a servant leader. Tim Kidd - putting people first - when you put your people first, the business grows, and on the back of that, clients' businesses grow too. It's important that there is a sense of enjoyment at work, that people can make a difference in what they do, showing gratitude, being human at work (in the sense of individualisation - treat each person as an individual rather than a collective). Leadership = clarity, concise, consistent. Trust is very important, as is autonomy (flexibility gives a sense of autonomy). Having a high level of self-awareness, and face to face connection. Asumpta Gallagher - Influence, vision, passion - looking at leadership in a different context, but the same things still apply. Ask for help, start with why. Timen Baart - Trust - Fairness, competence, identification, reciprocity, transparency. The difference and importance of trust in the organisation as well as trust in employees. Saskia Kremer - Personal Leadership - importance of proactivity vs reactivity, having a clear vision, taking time to evaluate/ reflect, celebrate and show gratitude. Jonny Cooper - Teamwork - leader-leader approach, using coaching to empower others, the sacrifice is worth it, purpose/ clarity, matching strengths, openness to feedback, self-awareness, seek to challenge your own thinking, stay consistent. Aoife Lenox - Introverts - it falls on a spectrum. Types of introverts (STAR) social, thinking, anxious, reserved. Quiet leadership. Play to your strengths. Roundup - what makes an effective leader? Clear vision & purpose, strong communication, putting people first/ putting the human back into the workplace, connection, feedback (open to giving and receiving), self-awareness, gratitude, trust/ trustworthiness, clarity & transparency, proactive, working to your strengths.