40: Chris Pinner on Wellbeing at Work

Happier At Work® - A podcast by Aoife O'Brien


Chris Pinner and Aoife O’Brien speak about all things wellbeing at work. We speak about getting leadership buy-in to the wellness programmes in organisations, the basics of wellbeing at work and what that means, the importance of investing in addition to role modelling in an organisation, using statistics versus stories to share about wellbeing at work, e.g 90% of CEOs are investing in wellbeing initiatives, mental wellbeing declined during lockdown, how can senior leaders in your organisation share stories from their own wellbeing journey? How can you tailor your wellbeing approach? Focus on movement, nutrition and mental wellbeing. Set clear boundaries. Use mindfulness and journaling as a way to make space for your own wellbeing. Start small, start today! Chris is the founder of employee wellbeing company Innerfit. Chris started his career in Banking and Management Consultancy, where projects regularly demanded working weekends, 12+ hour days and the odd 36-hour shift. Since founding Innerfit, Chris has conducted a global webinar series for a worldwide broadcaster, led executive-level coaching programmes and ran over 500 client 1-1 sessions. He specialises in sharing practical tips to help people feel and work well. Chris’s links: https://www.innerfit.co.uk/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/innerfit/ My social links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aoifemobrien https://twitter.com/Empowerment_IE https://www.instagram.com/happieratwork.ie