49: Aoife Mollin on Fitting in at Work

Happier At Work® - A podcast by Aoife O'Brien


Aoife Mollin and Aoife O’Brien speak about fitting in at work. Aoife Mollin shares her research on job satisfaction in remote working teams, which ultimately led to a finding of the importance of ‘fit’. We discuss needs satisfaction, with a focus on autonomy and flexible working, as well as trust as a key component of a well functioning team. We talk about culture, communication and what makes for a great remote working environment. Aoife Mollin helps senior & middle managers who are dissatisfied in their careers to uncover a high impact plan to a more satisfied & successful career, without the stress. She combines this with supporting leaders to lead effectively in a way that works for their organisation and themselves. This results in confidence, satisfaction & success in their role as a leader. Having over 15 years consulting experience working across industries within both the private & the public sector, she spent over 10 years in management consultancy, delivering change programmes in large organisations. Working within organisations on change programmes, her focus was on supporting people through the change which was sometimes being imposed on them. Combining this consulting experience with training and coaching skills, allows her to challenge individuals to understand how they can work through change to contribute more effectively to organisational performance, while enjoying work. She delivers both 1:1 coaching & group leadership development programmes. She holds a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology (MAPPCP); a European bachelor of Business and Legal Studies, a diploma in Corporate and Executive Coaching and a diploma in Small Business Coaching. She is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the Irish Institute of Training & Development (IITD). She was a finalist for the 2016 ICF Ireland Coach of the year award & is a qualified DISC practitioner. Investing in her own belief of lifelong learning, she is currently working towards PCC ICF Certification. Aoife Mollin’s links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aoifemollin/ https://amaresults.com Aoife’s links: https://happieratwork.ie https://www.linkedin.com/in/aoifemobrien https://twitter.com/HappierAtWorkHQ https://www.instagram.com/happieratwork.ie https://www.facebook.com/groups/happieratworkpodcast