54: Sarah Restall on the Importance of mental health & wellbeing in the workplace
Happier At Work® - A podcast by Aoife O'Brien
Director of the InsideOut Charter, Sarah Restall and host Aoife O’Brien discuss the importance of mental health and wellbeing within the workplace. A selection of key points covered in this captivating episode include; - Focus on engagement with senior leaders & the importance of having them on board to enhance a happy and balanced work environment for all. - How a business ethos has a ripple effect throughout all levels of the company hierarchy. - Business leader communication strategies and the significance of setting positive examples for employees. - Sarah shares her personal insights on the effects ill health can have on a business. - It’s not too late for change. Sarah provides preventative tips, tricks and tools that companies can put into place right now to improve workplace morale & wellbeing. Sarah Restall has a background in supporting senior leaders to take meaningful action to create mentally healthy working environments. The InsideOut LeaderBoard supports wellbeing in the workplace by eliminating the stigma associated with mental health problems with a focus on engaging Senior Leaders. With a wealth of experience gained working for Mind on the Time to Change Employers Team, her background includes offering expert consulting, coaching and support. Sarah designs and delivers presentations and has an impressive history of delivering to external forums as a passionate keynote speaker, panellist and panel facilitator. Connect with Sarah Restall: http://www.inside-out.org/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-restall-%F0%9F%92%99-9541782a/ Connect with Happier at Work host Aoife O’Brien: http://www.happieratwork.ie http://www.linkedin.com/in/aoifemobrien http://twitter.com/HappierAtWorkHQ http://www.instagram.com/happieratwork.ie http://www.facebook.com/groups/happieratworkpodcast Resources: https://www.formscore.today/