76: Bringing Authenticity to work with Simon Stapleton

Happier At Work® - A podcast by Aoife O'Brien


Welcome back to Happier at Work! After a lovely break, I am delighted to kickstart this brand-new series with Truthsayers CEO & Co-founder Simon Stapleton. Simon and his team are on a mighty mission to enable happier and more productive workplaces across the globe by helping leaders understand their employees at an emotional level via Truthsayers cutting-edge Neurotech® platform. In this episode, both Aoife and Simon offer their insights into workplace engagement and share their previous experiences of feeling a lack of psychological safety at work. Simon also shines a light on the importance of bringing authenticity to work and the positive impacts that doing so will bring. Main points covered throughout the show include: - An introduction to Simon Stapleton. - The importance of being honest. - Bringing authenticity to work. - How a lack of engagement and psychological safety can affect a business. - Taking responsibility for the business culture. - Aligning recruitment with company values. - Creating an environment of inclusion. - Excelling and reaching your potential at work. - What makes Simon Happier at Work. With over 20 years of experience in building digital platforms for service industries, Simon has led the creation of technology that enhances the lives of millions of people worldwide. Simon's objective is to apply Neurotech to vast and present challenges that businesses face today, such as diversity and inclusion, sustainability and hybrid working. Did you know? Simon is a partner in a craft brewery, so when he isn't working, you can catch him creating unique ales! Connect with Simon Stapleton: http://truthsayers.io/ http://twitter.com/tneurotech http://www.linkedin.com/company/truthsayers/ http://www.linkedin.com/in/simonstapleton/ http://twitter.com/simonstapleton Connect with Happier at Work host Aoife O'Brien: http://www.happieratwork.ie http://www.linkedin.com/in/aoifemobrien http://www.twitter.com/HappierAtWorkHQ http://www.instagram.com/happieratwork.ie http://www.facebook.com/groups/happieratworkpodcast