#132 Embrace the Glow: The Health Benefits of Heat, Saunas & Red Light Therapy

Happy Hormones Podcast - A podcast by Nicki Williams

We've heard all about the health benefits of cold therapy, but if that's not your thing, did you know that there's a whole host of benefits associated with heat and red light therapy?Heat therapy has been appreciated for centuries all over the world for its wellbeing benefits. Red light therapy on the other hand is relatively new. It uses the power of infrared energy without heat (or very low levels) to rejuvenate your cells at the mitochondrial level. Fortunately there are many ways to get the benefits of both heat and light therapy.If you don't have access to saunas or hot springs, there are various products available on the market, including infrared home saunas, lamps, red light face masks and vaginal devices, sauna suits and blankets, amongst others. Make sure to choose reputable products from trusted sources.I've recently invested in the Equinox red light face and neck mask from Luyors. Check it out here; https://happyhormonesforlife.com/equinoxAs always, if you’d like help with your hormones or health issues, contact us here for more information: https://happyhormonesforlife.com/contact/