Elease A. Wiggins- Single Mom Reawaken Your Light Coach
Happy Single MOM - A podcast by Khalifa Araba

Elease A. Wiggins, the multidimensional powerhouse speaker, whose numerous titles range from a widely received author, college professor, personal-development coach, philanthropist and mother.
As a mom of two, Elease has managed to earn two undergraduate degrees in public administration and business management, respectively, as well as a post-graduate degree in urban studies. Elease’s passion for empowering others has led her to hold various positions in academia, such as the former adjunct professor of sociology, at LaGuardia Community College within the City University of New York.
Elease currently serves as the adjunct professor of “Psychology, Sociology & Success” at Bergen Community College. In addition, she also serves as a Counselor/Broker for the Work First New Jersey (WFNJ) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program at the Bergen County Job Center in Bergen County New Jersey.
Her Book : “A Farewell to Welfare: 25 Strategies to Freedom, Independence, & Prosperity”.
My Goal is to Decrease My Client's Trauma & Increase Their Resiliency
Follow me on Instagram @happy_singlemompodcast
Thank you Maya Issac for letting me use her song: when I get there