Copywriter Ben Settle Tells What It Really Takes To Pull More Sales And Profits From Every Ad Or Sales Letter You Ever Use Copywriting University - A podcast by Michael Senoff at


Several years ago, I found a direct response copywriter. His name is Ben Settle. And when someone had sent me a newsletter that he had written about my site, after reading that copy, I knew this guy was really good and then I knew that I would want to be doing some work with him soon. Ben has since written several winning sales letter for me and my website at , including my Secret Loophole product, my Joint Venture Magic product, and my Art Hamel Seminar product. He’s also done revisions of my letter for my HMA Marketing Consulting Training and several others. Recently I interviewed Ben on some of the most frequently asked questions people ask me about copywriting. There’s a gold mine of information in this interview and I strongly recommend you listen to this more than once. These secrets have put a lot of money in my pocket and they will do the same for you if you apply them to your own copy. This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff at