Stop Canned Copywriting And Start Learning How To Use Unconscious Persuasion To Get What You Want Faster Then Ever: An Interview With Ken Ellsworth -- Part One Copywriting University - A podcast by Michael Senoff at


Ken Ellsworth is one of my customers and he is an expert in Hidden Persuasion sales techniques. You will be amazed by the power of covert unobtrusive sales messages and learn specific ways to sell people without getting in their face. Ken is a master when it comes to understanding the psychological reasons why people buy a product or service. He uses these underlying psychological needs to create potent sales messages that appeal to the target and produce customers. There is no obvious selling involved so the customer’s decision to purchase is intrinsic - this intrinsic value translates into marketing nirvana. Who doesn’t want customers who feel passionate about your product or service? I urge everyone to listen; especially those who are struggling with new sales ideas or feel they’ve hit a mental block. This conversation will invigorate you and these techniques will amaze you! Just try to use your new-found skills of persuasion for good not evil! This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff at