Why Settle For 1% Response When You Can get 50% Response With "Effective Copywriting" -- Learn How To Hone Your Skills To Improve Your Sales -- Part 2

Hardtofindseminars.com Copywriting University - A podcast by Michael Senoff at www.hardtofindseminars.com


Good, captive copywriting is essential in today’s marketing field. I got a call from a gentleman who was new to the copywriting field and he was looking for some advice on how to improve his own skills. The information I shared with him is invaluable: I gave him direct resources he could use and I discussed different products and aspects of these products that are currently available. Best of all, though, I shared with him the underlying implications of good copywriting and explored why and how many people are doing it all wrong. This is information you can’t afford to miss -- the insight you’ll gain will be unique. Since I interview and review marketing gurus all day for a living, you can guess I know what works and what does not. This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff at www.hardtofindseminars.com.