IQ-127: The Power of Perspective: Celebrating the Big Picture of Life

Heal Yourself. Change Your Life - A podcast by Brandy Gillmore

Have you ever found yourself quickly judging others or getting caught up in pointing out their flaws? It might seem harmless, but did you know that being overly critical can actually hurt you too? Often, we fall into the trap of being overly critical of others, unaware of the self-inflicted wounds we're causing.  It's easy to overlook our own judgmental tendencies. However, all too often people can get stuck in negativity and a subconscious “mission” of social faultfinding unaware that it can directly impact our health and lives in negative ways.   It's akin to not seeing the forest for the trees—we're so caught up in pointing out others' mistakes that we forget to reflect on our own actions and attitudes. In this week's quick IQ episode, Brandy shares powerful insights into the impact of being overly critical and the importance of lifting our own energy instead. By making a conscious effort to rise above the negativity and focus on what we do want instead of focusing on the perceived flaws in others, transformation and healing can take place and lead to a happier, healthier life.   Remember, being compassionate and understanding towards others starts with being compassionate and understanding towards ourselves. By keeping an eye on the bigger picture, a happier, healthier life is within reach. Ready to see things differently? Join us to learn more!   IMPORTANT NOTE: We understand that some may believe mind-body healing is impossible. Therefore, if you would like to see images of individuals using their minds to relieve pain, you can check out this medical journal. It includes images from some of Brandy's case studies. If you want to learn how to use your mind to heal yourself, you can check out the training on Brandy's website.  Additional links and resources:  The GIFT Method™ Training: (Learn to Heal Yourself) Website: Free 90-Minute Self-Healing Masterclass Training: Facebook: IG: Twitter: TEDx Talk: Topics: positivity, mindset, big picture, criticism, fault finding, cancel culture