Add Heart to Peace

HeartMath's Add Heart - A podcast by Deborah Rozman, Ph.D. - Tuesdays

Creating peace starts with living “heart first.” Humanity is in a period of profound change. Though this transformation period can be challenging, we must not lose sight of that which connects us as one human family.  In a word, what connects us is heart. In this episode, we are talking about adding heart to peace and why peace is a product of heart-directed living. Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., our Add Heart® Podcast host, and her guest, sociologist, researcher, and acclaimed author Kingsley L. Dennis, Ph.D., discuss what it means to put the heart first and why it is the foundation for experiencing inner peace—and ultimately creating world peace.  Peace is a choice we can make each day by practicing heart-based qualities, such as love, care, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. As we witness climate disruption, resource depletion, financial inequities, international conflicts, and pandemic restrictions, it can be difficult to not feel frustrated, angry, judgmental, or have blame towards others, all of which feed separation and compromise our peace. The healing of separation is essential for inner and outer peace—and many people are feeling that life is shaking us awake to this requirement. Our host and guest, Deborah and Kingsley, will discuss how peace is first an inside job that starts with the heart. They will talk about an increasing collective heart opening on the planet that will help dissipate separation and conflict between people and nations and draw hopeful solutions for the many challenges humanity is experiencing. We’ll close this episode with a heart meditation to energize putting the heart first in our lives to increase our inner peace and to give peace a chance in how we interact with each other. More about our guest: Kingsley L. Dennis, Ph.D., is a sociologist and researcher. He is the co-founder of WorldShift International and co-author of the study New Media for a New Future: The Emerging Digital Landscape for a Planetary Society, produced as part of the Fuji Declaration for The Goi Peace Foundation in collaboration with the renowned global think tank Club of Budapest. He is the author of several critically acclaimed books including Healing the Wounded Mind, The Modern Seeker: A Perennial Psychology for Contemporary Times, and New Consciousness for a New World. He currently serves on the board of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research and runs his own publishing imprint, Beautiful Traitor Books.