The Power of Neutral

HeartMath's Add Heart - A podcast by Deborah Rozman, Ph.D. - Tuesdays

There’s so much happening in our world on many different fronts. Current events and issues are exposing divisiveness, polarized perceptions, truths and non-truths. It’s all swirling around like energetic cyclones wreak havoc on our emotional and mental resilience. Many people are recognizing the way to find greater discernment and more ease through these times is by committing to the daily renewal of heart qualities – increasing our care and kindness, extending more compassion and understanding, and deepening our connection with our own heart and with others. In this Add Heart Call, our host, HeartMath LLC President Deborah Rozman. and our special guest, HeartMath Certified Trainer Sandy Travis, will share one more heart quality that’s important to practice during unpredictable times: using the power of the heart to access a state called “Neutral” to maintain an active calm that builds our resilience capacity. Stress accumulates and depletes our resilience. When we’re low on resilience, we are more susceptible to adding drama to issues we don’t like or agree with. This creates an energy drain, compromising our mental/emotional balance and health. Learning how we can employ the power of neutral for more discernment is key to handling today’s challenging and polarizing times with more ease and inner balance. Neutral helps to free us from biases and “knowing what we know” to bring in more objective clarity. It enables us to better discern facts from emotionally fueled misinformation. Resting in neutral in the heart opens the door to seeing new possibilities. Deborah Rozman will share how the power of “Neutral” has been invaluable throughout her nearly 2-month evacuation experience as a result of recent California wildfires. She’ll talk about how during a crisis, using the power of neutral enabled her and others at HeartMath to more effectively sort incoming data and information as the situation unfolded. Sandy Travis is a seasoned international HeartMath coach and trainer that works with diverse corporate environments and international organizations. She has presented numerous opportunities that validated for her how practicing Neutral brings more objectivity and clarity and builds heart power and resilience. We’ll close with a heart focused meditation to energize our intentions to add more heart to our practice of Neutral over the next month of political and global changes and to areas of our personal life where practicing Neutral could give us more objectivity and less energy drain. More About Sandy Travis: Sandy’s career spanned the globe with international clients such as the African Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Sri Lankan Business Development Center, projects for the United States Agency for International Development, and clients in South Africa and England. Using her expertise in negotiation, creativity and working with high-performance teams, she has served clients in the forest products, aluminum, aerospace, tourism and banking industries. She is a HeartMath Certified Trainer and has been practicing HeartMath® coherence building techniques for over a decade. She has now made HeartMath tools and technology her primary focus for her coaching and consulting with individuals, teams and organizations.