017. Inner Child Healing
Heaven & Healing Podcast - A podcast by Heaven & Healing Podcast
We were all once children, therefore each of us has our own inner child. If you are truly committed to your self-healing journey in this lifetime, then it is your responsibility to nurture and re-parent that child within as you navigate through adulthood, because the truth is, if you do not bring an awareness to that very real part of yourself, then you will always be operating from the wounds of that space instead of the intelligence of your highest self. When we are kids, we innately know that we came to this planet to do. It is not a logical knowing, meaning that they do not necessarily process thoughts on the meaning of life (although, the kids coming in now are starting to), but rather, this knowing they have — that they are here to be connected to themselves and one another, to play, to be one with nature, to laugh and to love, and to be in the experience of the present moment at all times — it is something they hold on a cellular level. It is something WE all hold on a cellular level, but as we grow up, that knowing begins to get buried underneath all of the stuff the external world hands us and says it’s ours to carry. So we begin to carry it: the “should”s, the expectations, the rules, the routines, the education structure, the societal paradigms, the social norms. Eventually as a kid, we’re told our dreams are too big, too unrealistic — we are chastised in being who we truly are, and so we learn to shapeshifter in order to fit the mold. That’s where the wounding kicks in. That’s what we are in the process of healing: the inner child who did not have permission to be themselves. They need YOU to give them that permission. Your inner child truly wants nothing more of you than your love and attention. Think of the consequence of neglecting a child. They act out. They misbehave. They throw tantrums in an attempt to be seen. If you ignore your inner child, that same energy will show up in your romantic dynamics, how you preform socially and professionally, in your relationship with money, and most of all in your belief systems regarding self-worth. We heal by talking to and treating ourselves with the same grace, patience, empathy, kindness and understanding that we would give a kid. We heal by getting back to the pleasure in the present moment, by following our dreams, by embracing authentic connection with another, by saying “I’m sorry,” by enforcing boundaries that draw a circle around our wholeness, by stepping into nature, by creating space for more laughter and play — there are a myriad of ways to heal the inner child, but it starts with bringing an awareness to them first. It starts by letting your inner child know that you are here, and that they are held in safety and love by you. We believe it is our duty to teach kids, but really it is them who we have the most to learn from, because we have spent years being encouraged to un-learn all that is innately ours. Children really do have it all figured out. It’s simple: life is meant to be lived in the full expression of who you are at all times. Post a picture of yourself as a kid and write a letter to your inner child! Tag me in the post on Instagram @moonandback.community to be entered in a giveaway. You can always watch this on YouTube: https://youtu.be/PXtPOZZbhMA Please give this episode a 5-star rating and written review on whichever platform you listen. It means so much! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this episode. Sending you so much love, to the moon and back. Namaste!