Reclaim your Artistic Success with Smart Goals you can actually still Achieve this Year
HELP! I AM ARTIST - A podcast by Sonja Smalheer

WHY WAIT FOR THE NEW YEAR TO SEE MORE ARTISTIC SUCCESS WHEN THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT TODAY! Take a listen. Find out how you can reclaim your art success with plans & goals you can still achieve this year! Start to take really smart art steps by downloading the free worksheet. This practical worksheet is here to help you breakdown your art dreams into manageable do-able steps: In this episode you will: Find out what a Smart Art goal is, Combine big & small goals to achieve more art success, Reverse engineer your art plans into tasks you can do today, Find out what you need to achieve your art goals, Get control over your art career and steer it towards more artistic success. To access the WORKSHEET head over to for your free copy.