Why you can Make the Coolest Art but Still not Earn a Dime
HELP! I AM ARTIST - A podcast by Sonja Smalheer

There is a reason why many parents discourage their children to attend art school. They have simply seen too few examples of happy, healthy, working artists. Statistic tell us that being a working artist, earning a living with your creativity, is the most difficult profession to be successful in. Why is it so difficult to make living with your creativity? In this episode we will be looking at the economics behind the art business. The more understanding you have of the art market, the better prepared you are to make the necessary changes, so that you can do what you love to do and get paid for it! You can make the coolest art but this doesn't guarantee an income. If you're wanting to generate a revenue stream with your creativity you must be willing to be more than an artist. You need to adopt a business frame of mind. Building an art business is not a passive thing. Setting up those structures around your creativity takes intentional thought, strategic steps and bold, brave moves. Discover which of these 5 art money myths might be keeping you from growing your income and reaching your art potential. This episode comes with a free artist resource: How to price your art just right. Click here to access this art pricing resource and find ways to get your art price just right. To celebrate my brand spankin new art community **I'm offering one lucky artist a FREE VIRTUAL ART COACHING SESSION. Join my art community today for a chance to win this one-on-one coaching session. At the end of the week I'll be drawing the lucky winner. **In this community you will find fresh inspiration, live teachings, extra art business resources and connection with other artists who are active in various visual art disciplines.